I shared this on Facebook, and then realized – hey, why not on Lavender Lair? It’s just a trailer for a book, but I’ve seen short films that weren’t half as entertaining. I have no interest in reading the book, but I’ve watched this thing about five times now. It’s a scream.
Don't worry, Dale, I'll never talk. I'll never tell Ming our secret, not even if he puts alligator clamps on my nipples or uses a buttplug the size of a softball on me. You hear that, Ming?
OK, I am tryink this Metamusil of vich you speak, my dear. If it doesn't vork, you haff my permission to drive a stake through my heart.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
No, Master Larry, my daughter would rather you did not call for her again. She finds it embarrassing when you suddenly sniff her butt in public places.
I now have more than one blog here -- one for my work (poetry, creative nonfiction, and occasionally flash fiction), and one for my lifelong hobby, collecting horror films -- and apparently I have to have the same profile biography for both of them. So I now have two "About Me" pages. Check out the relevant one.